Friday, April 1, 2016

Trigger your thoughts,since they shape the kind of person you become

Its a pretty big world out there, you will never find where you want to end up, all you need to do is be in the moment and moment shall drive you to your destination.
Thoughts are dangerous if they are not directing us to our dreams. Direction as you see is infinite there is no specific directions when it comes to the thoughts. They are masked in the paradox of the society, over the expectations of the people in our lives and all the way down to the expectations we are meant to live upto all our life.

Its an irony, you know what is right and wrong, all about what you want to have and what you want to pursue but in the time of implementing the paradoxical benchmarks sets in and the subconscious boundary sets in and sky is no more the limit and all those motivation sinks in. No one ever wants to settle for less in life, no being is happy in being a looser, everyone wants the perfect life no matter how much a person denies it, in the end of the day deep inside of you, you are aware that its not where you want to see yourself, im better than this. 

Everybody has this phases of sunshine and darkness, sometimes the rainbow sets in sometimes the storm all you need to do is hold on to it, stabilizing your thoughst shapes what kind of person you are.
Possessing the same body, over the years passed and moments lived in the same planet, changed is just the time and maturity along the way. Like riding the bicycle,journey continued balancing it keep moving to keep up with it, legends quoted it well.
Little details are the vital, the little amount of time you separate for someone or just for yourself over the busy life of today. Happiness is not found anywhere, it is just discovered within.

Discipline is the bridge they say that connects you to your dreams, so develop a new habit to improve, keep away yourself from one bad habit you have,keep inspiring people around you because your simple words can change someone's day, can motivate someone to pursue their dreams, don't throw the cloth that doesnt fit you, offer it to someone who might be dying to get one. Don't waste yourself up for someone or something, you might be the perfect idol for someone. Be the change you seek for, if you want happiness, be the happiness.

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